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Hi Wonderfuls,

Say I love you. Say it to yourself and listen for your response. Say I love you out loud and feel your associations. Then explore your experience of love. In these moments, we, you and I translate love in an attempt to get to know it. To own it, maybe control it. In these moments love is being translated and you are the translator desperate for accuracy. With good intentions you have developed your own language. Your own tone of love, your own phrasing with deep and shallow breaths like punctuation.

You have, hold and keep your own love language in secret and and sacred places. You have your own styles and gestures and nuances understood by those who care to know you. You experience love first in your mind, then through sensations, then actions, then results. All throughout your day. You reflect and recite love through your perceptions and your projections of what love is and can be. And yet you know Love is without form, without limits, incapable of being colored or tinted.

Love is. Love is mysterious and elusive and all together present and transparent. Love makes no choices, no favorites, no exceptions, no one above another. Somehow. Love is - And although we translate it using years of borrowed colloquialisms, societal filters sifting it through the colanders of a million moments past. Love is not changed, not moved, not distilled or diluted. Love sticks around. Because love is all there is that is real. And you get to decide and believe and practice that love is unconditionally abundantly yours.

You get to decide and believe and practice that love is unconditionally abundantly yours. You get to decide and believe and practice that love is unconditionally abundantly yours. Say I love you and explore.

Practice Discipline

Hi Wonderfuls,

I am here to encourage you to trust in your process. You have outlined your plan, you have set your course, you are excited about your vision and you have prepare for your journey. Now you must trust in the process. That is showing up to your self-appointed post, performing the necessary activities, focusing on your purpose and flowing in momentous mindful accomplishment of your goals.

Definition of Discipline: 1. Punishment; a field of study; training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character; control gained by enforcing obedience or order; orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior; self-control

Discipline has a subtle implication of judgement around who or how you are being. The idea that discipline must be saluted daily assumes that one must be out of control, unorganized, a mess, wild or unruly. And that judgement can be accompanied by a self-loathing, self-hate or sadness. But what if we repurpose this definition as an observer and considered discipline a training for our purposeful practice. Discipline becomes a tool or rubric applied to serve your practice. You enroll discipline to support your plans. YOU accept, program and practice discipline PURPOSEFULLY as in you are in control and you are choosing discipline as a philosophical assistant for the working of your plan.

This is one way, not the only way but one way towards seeing your declarations manifest this year. be encouraged, trust the process and take hold of the reins of practicing discipline. The next time you hear mention of discipline consider it a master tool that you can control.

Set Your Navigation to Inner Exploration

Hi Wonderfuls,
When I was living and working in Gaborone, Botswana I went on a camping trip in the Kalahari Desert. While there we had an opportunity to go tracking led by a local Saan Man, or Bushman who lived in the area. He was still, quiet, peaceful and deeply content and uncovered wonders that were hidden to the untrained eye. What looked and felt to us like a hot barren desert was more of a backyard garden for him. He found food, fruit and more.

While walking one of the members of our group said casually "I'm really thirsty." The Saans Man overheard and asked the guide for interpretation. Then replied "it is here." Somehow he was already taking us to a small patch of dried vines, he dug into the sand and pulled up a watermelon. What? How? Yes, He lifted what looked like a sun-bleached honeydew melon into the air and said "there is water here". He pulled out a machete from his waste and chopped it open with a splash of fresh juice spilling over the side. Cupping it like a bowl he passed it around to all of us to drink. I was astonished.

I wondered how this message was for me. How even in what seems like harsh environments there were refreshing rejuvenating resources available for the person who knew where to look. I asked if they planted these and he said no, that the earth provides.

If we look inside, where we are, where we stand, in the present moment we will find what we need. If we see ourselves as resources for deeper understanding and higher consciousness we will find the solutions we continue to seek in packages outside of ourselves. We are to often looking in the wrong direction focused on the heat of the sun and not the fruit of the earth.

We are free to practice consciously asking, what is it in me that can only hear what fear has to say about this situation? What is the real truth about where I am and who I am now? We get to set our navigation for inner exploration and find the wells of truth within.

Develop a World Perspective

We have experimented with the meaning of nonviolence in our struggle for racial justice in the United States, but now the time has come for man to experiment with nonviolence in all areas of human conflict, and that means nonviolence on an international scale.

Now let me suggest first that if we are to have peace on earth, our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. Our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective. No individual can live alone; no nation can live alone, and as long as we try, the more we are going to have war in this world. Now the judgment of God is upon us, and we must either learn to live together as brothers or we are all going to perish together as fools.

Yes, as nations and individuals, we are interdependent. It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. We are made to live together because of the interrelated structure of reality. Did you ever stop to think that you can't leave for your job in the morning without being dependent on most of the world? You get up in the morning and go to the bathroom and reach over for the sponge, and that's handed to you by a Pacific islander. You reach for a bar of soap, and that's given to you at the hands of a Frenchman. And then you go into the kitchen to drink your coffee for the morning, and that's poured into your cup by a South American. And maybe you want tea: that's poured into your cup by a Chinese. Or maybe you're desirous of having cocoa for breakfast, and that's poured into your cup by a West African. And then you reach over for your toast, and that's given to you at the hands of an English-speaking farmer, not to mention the baker. And before you finish eating breakfast in the morning, you've depended on more than half of the world. This is the way our universe is structured, this is its interrelated quality. We aren't going to have peace on earth until we recognize this basic fact of the interrelated structure of all reality. -MLK

Never Underestimate The Power of Acceptance

Hi Wonderfuls,
Our human will is a subject of great mystery and endless pontification. We get to choose. We choose how we show up; Who we talk to.; What to believe; Where to be and where to go. Our ability to decide, weigh our options and evaluate our experiences must be managed wisely and with objectivity in order to develop our maturity. It is this maturity that informs our volition to adopt an inclusive and collective mindset when making our decisions. So that what is for our good is also for the good of all.

volition vo·li·tion (və-lĭsh’ən) n. The act or an instance of making a conscious choice or decision. A conscious choice or decision. The power or faculty of choosing; the will.

As providence would have it we are subject to and impacted by the will and subsequent decisions/ choices that others make everyday. These individual choices determine our quality of life. The governance of our food systems and preservation and conservation of our lands.
And when these choices are made outside of and inclusive and collective mindset we all suffer. And we learn that bad things happen. That hurt, pain, poverty, scarcity, injustice happens and we are left with serious decisions to make. Here is where acceptance makes her entrance. She reminds us of the bigger picture and leads us to a higher ground. She tells us we will survive and that we are designed to navigate the challenges of life in sharing a planet with love and understanding. Acceptance tells us to embrace the experience with a still knowing that we are powerful and poised to make a choice. She encourages us to choose wisdom and growth over judgement and Bitterness. To choose leadership over victimization. To choose responsibility over blame.
Acceptance is a powerful forwarding captain, champion coach, strong leader and steady companion in times of uncertainty, disappointment, and despair. Acceptance although humble, quiet, and still is not to be underestimated. We all have her, plain and tall, a lighthouse within, the power of acceptance.

We Who Wear Crowns

Hi Wonderfuls,

How lovely it is to know the abundance of our gifting and the appointment of our existence. With humility and without asking we wear crowns. Our minds like cosmic jewels of creation reflect the light we see in the eyes of our friends, family, mentors, children, partners and countless faces shared across the ether in mediums of black and white, film, color, and painted pixels.

We decide to keep us alive. We wear crowns of hope, love, service, art, music, movement and organization to help us survive. We imagine worlds and we create them. We design systems and hold them up with our hands and obedience to the rules we define. This is our world. And we are responsible for it all.

We decide where to lay a road, and how high to scrape the sky with steal and glass. We lay the seeds in rows in the fields and turn the soil with our inventions. We sail across rocky waves and we fly over clouds across the world in hours. We are responsible for it all. We make healthy and we make scarce. We replenish, restore, recreate and reimagine what we will do with what we have.

Our survival depends on the extent to which accept this responsibility. We wear crowns and we are responsible for it all.

Reinforce Your Mind With Self-Belief

Hi Wonderfuls,
We have this one wild wonderful life. Where limitless ideas, quirks, styles, feelings, interests and characteristics have materialized at one time, in one place, inside of you. What will we do with it? What will we have all of this to mean? Our systems of beliefs determine our outcomes. So, What will we believe? Let's affirm ourselves until we believe in ourselves, reinforcing minds for powerful and productive living.

re·in·force/ rēinˈfôrs/ verb
strengthen or support (an object or substance), especially with additional material.: to strengthen or increase by fresh additions, : to encourage or give support to (an idea, behavior, feeling, etc.)

At the base of self-belief is a tightly interlocked web of thoughts that have been such frequent visitors that we have come to accept them as family and in some cases have become one with them. As human beings it is no more intended for us to be the thoughts that we observe as it is for us to be the books that we read or the advertisements that we see. The very fact that we observe these things means they exist separate from us. If I can observe that thought then I am not that thought. If I can tag that feeling then I am not that feeling. But we allow ourselves to be driven, conducted, led by the thought patterns that we have blindly adopted into our minds as beliefs.

Let us reinforce our minds by laying miles of new thoughts that say "I can handle anything that comes my way." "I am here to love and be loved" "I live with an abundant mindset" "I see the innocence and affirm the humanity of others"
"I am fearfully and marvelously made"
"I embrace growth and appreciate challenges"
These thoughts are regenerative and tend to multiply.

Each time we lay new track of powerful self-affirming thoughts we catalyze a new system of neural pathways that seek opportunities for us show up strong. We begin to attract fresh opportunities to demonstrate and practice our power, our love, and our forgiveness. When we practice the choosing and life application of these thoughts we secure our minds in the mental scaffolding of self-belief.

Wait, Let it Bloom

Hi Wonderfuls,
When we are inspired and compelled to action we must also be impatient. It is our pleasure to be impatient for the manifestation of our vision in this world. With love, with heart, we tend to the soil that holds the seeds of our dreams. The disciplined practice and punctual attendance to our post requires impatience. Your earnest expectation, and your regular attention to your goal is impatient waiting. 

Definition {To Wait} to stay in a place in expectation look forward remain stationary in readiness or serve.

Waiting is active. It is a sophisticated engagement of impatience. Impatience is motivating, captivating, catalyzing and filled with purpose. It is trigger by the knowledge of the possibility of what is desired. It's therefore a necessary emotion accompanying the thought of your dream realized. So, we must be refined to wait. We must be mature to wait in readiness. We must be disciplined to wait with impatience, experiencing the steady drum beat of expectation. We must be visionaries trusting in the precision of timing to remain stationary for the bloom.

The bloom is what we work for. Why we toil and practice. The bloom is the reward of husbandry, our labor in the garden. We have applied ourselves to wait for it. We have engaged and committed ourselves to standby with confidence and with grace earnestly expecting our reward.

Yes Wonderfuls! It is coming, it is there, inside the wait. Let it bloom.