Hi Wonderfuls,
Say I love you. Say it to yourself and listen for your response. Say I love you out loud and feel your associations. Then explore your experience of love. In these moments, we, you and I translate love in an attempt to get to know it. To own it, maybe control it. In these moments love is being translated and you are the translator desperate for accuracy. With good intentions you have developed your own language. Your own tone of love, your own phrasing with deep and shallow breaths like punctuation.
You have, hold and keep your own love language in secret and and sacred places. You have your own styles and gestures and nuances understood by those who care to know you. You experience love first in your mind, then through sensations, then actions, then results. All throughout your day. You reflect and recite love through your perceptions and your projections of what love is and can be. And yet you know Love is without form, without limits, incapable of being colored or tinted.
Love is. Love is mysterious and elusive and all together present and transparent. Love makes no choices, no favorites, no exceptions, no one above another. Somehow. Love is - And although we translate it using years of borrowed colloquialisms, societal filters sifting it through the colanders of a million moments past. Love is not changed, not moved, not distilled or diluted. Love sticks around. Because love is all there is that is real. And you get to decide and believe and practice that love is unconditionally abundantly yours.
You get to decide and believe and practice that love is unconditionally abundantly yours. You get to decide and believe and practice that love is unconditionally abundantly yours. Say I love you and explore.