Hi Wonderfuls,
When I was living and working in Gaborone, Botswana I went on a camping trip in the Kalahari Desert. While there we had an opportunity to go tracking led by a local Saan Man, or Bushman who lived in the area. He was still, quiet, peaceful and deeply content and uncovered wonders that were hidden to the untrained eye. What looked and felt to us like a hot barren desert was more of a backyard garden for him. He found food, fruit and more.
While walking one of the members of our group said casually "I'm really thirsty." The Saans Man overheard and asked the guide for interpretation. Then replied "it is here." Somehow he was already taking us to a small patch of dried vines, he dug into the sand and pulled up a watermelon. What? How? Yes, He lifted what looked like a sun-bleached honeydew melon into the air and said "there is water here". He pulled out a machete from his waste and chopped it open with a splash of fresh juice spilling over the side. Cupping it like a bowl he passed it around to all of us to drink. I was astonished.
I wondered how this message was for me. How even in what seems like harsh environments there were refreshing rejuvenating resources available for the person who knew where to look. I asked if they planted these and he said no, that the earth provides.
If we look inside, where we are, where we stand, in the present moment we will find what we need. If we see ourselves as resources for deeper understanding and higher consciousness we will find the solutions we continue to seek in packages outside of ourselves. We are to often looking in the wrong direction focused on the heat of the sun and not the fruit of the earth.
We are free to practice consciously asking, what is it in me that can only hear what fear has to say about this situation? What is the real truth about where I am and who I am now? We get to set our navigation for inner exploration and find the wells of truth within.