Hi Wonderfuls,

Self-awareness is a mind blowing, supportive and forwarding psychological tool to help us understand ourselves, become familiar with what motivates, inspires and compels us to action. It allows us to take inventory of our triggers and categorize our interests in ascending and descending order. If you want to practice grab your free worksheet above (link in bio).

When we practice awareness we simultaneously sharpen our perspectives and improve our efficiency. 
When we are self-aware it is easier to make decisions. Doubt is more easily conquered by a self-aware mind. Disappointment is more easily processed by a self-aware mind. Self-awareness is a high-efficiency psychological tool for productive living.

When we take the time to understand how the situations we are in attract the thoughts we have which trigger the emotions we feel informing the actions we take which give us our results, we can choose where to be, which thoughts to engage, how to respond, and therefore what results we get. We are the operators of a massive cognitive switchboard and we can dispatch the thoughts that work for us.

Free Worksheet Here -

Unpack your PURPOSE

Hi Wonderfuls,

I'm so excited to share with you today a little concept I call UN-packing. Now, we are all familiar with the excitement of preparing for a magnificent adventure, a trip to a distant land where you may or may not have access to all of the amenities you are accustomed to and love. So with naive ambition we lay out everything, batching outfits, toiletries, accessories, resources etc. We list out all of the many MUST do pre-planned activities and coordinate accordingly. Before long we have prepared to bring our entire closet and kitchen sink. So we have to pare down or UN-pack before we even leave. I love this process. Why do I love the extra work? Because it's an ode to abundance. The same goes for preparing to fulfill our purpose.

We are abundantly gifted and talented with ideas at the ready! Because we can run, dance, sew, cook, plan, coordinate, drive, paint, teach, lead, nurture, prep and more and more we can over do it. Even when we pick ONE THING we then miraculously find several other things to triangulate around that one thing. Don't we? Yes we can't be called to teach only in the classroom...what about on-line and over seas? what about at the local after school program and at the park and since we are teaching we might as well teach other people how to teach and that's gonna need its own URL and microsite.

 I know because I am going through this process myself and I m taking it one gift at a time. One talent at a time. One idea at a time. I am holding them up to the light and asking myself do I really need to do this? I know it works and fits my plan but do I really need to do this? The unpacking our purpose process is worth the time and effort. We get to triple down on one aspect of our one thing and think it through. We get to be excellent in the area we choose and see it to its highest quality of manifestation. 

Let's try unpacking. Only if you need to of course.

Tag Your Feelings

Tag Your Feelings

Hi Wonderfuls,
We are complexly designed intricate and spectacular beings. We have impulses, thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, languages, looks, gestures, actions, behaviors. We ponder, consider, debate, discuss, argue, agree, calculate and deliberate. We are each worlds of continuous exquisite activity.

Our most frequent activity is navigating the 50,000-70,000 thoughts that stream through our minds like schools of herring. Schools of slippery herring that tickle, wiggle, stick, demand recognition, group, ungroup, hide and swarm in complicated configurations within minutes. What's even more interesting is that these thoughts trigger feelings of all sorts. From exuberant joy to deep low quick sucking sadness.

 With gratitude we learn that these thoughts and feelings are our birthright. They are the company, the muse, the gift that entertains and inspires all of who we are and who we get to be in the world. So let's really get to know them. Watch them, notice when they show up and consider why? Tag them so you recognize them when they appear at the strangest moments. And acknowledge them- Kindly, compassionately, with interest and love.

Self-awareness is all about appreciating the spectrum of self expression and perception. Knowing yourself and being true. You are fearfully, marvelously and wonderfully made. Created unlike no one else in the world. And you don't stop there. You are continually recreated and reborn into new revolutions of yourself with each experience that interrupts the hypnotic swarm of those wild herring thoughts.

What are these sensations that we translate into love, joy, anger, excitement, revenge, celebration and inspiration all about? We know they can't be just for us? We know they give birth to the action that creates the systems, structures and societies we inhabit. While we are with each other why not find out more. Explore yourself and share. Tag your feelings, watch and wave. You are and exhibition of wonder that keeps giving - more to be discovered each day.

Focus On Service

Hi Wonderfuls,

We have the opportunity to give and give with and abundant mindset. We have the opportunity to serve and serve with an abundant heart. Our work, our art, our contributions to the world are priceless and therefore we are priceless. But it doesn't stop there. If we can see ourselves as priceless then we can see our tribe, our community, our audience, our people as priceless. And therefore worthy of our best.

When we give it comes back to us. When we pour out we are literally pouring in.
As conduits of inspiration and light, as channels of leadership and guidance we carry an obligation to set our intentions towards the benefit and increase of others. 
This is our focus on service. When we focus more on how we deliver each gift of forwarding advice, tips, tools, science, systems and bundles of visual inspiration we get to infuse our work with sincere love and appreciation for those who will receive, adopt, apply and collect our work.
This is our reasonable service in building up fortifying and inspiring the people with whom we share this wild wonderful world.
Let us be fired up by the way we show up for others and thereby replenish ourselves. Let us be grateful for the experiences, tests and trials that have provided us a store of limitless content and context from which we share.
Let us focus on service as the unpacking of our purpose and the humanitarian stewardship to our world. Be encouraged today because the world needs that unique and priceless service you bring to each day!

How to Survive Quicksand- SURRENDER


Hi Wonderfuls,
When you make strides towards your goals, when you mount up and stand tall and declare your destiny. The undone comes from below to teach you something new about the way to your highest possibilities and greatest selves. And, if you are not careful and present you may misinterpret the gift of the struggle. These murmuring thoughts or shadows of unsung feelings can distract, disempower, disappoint and derail us for hours and even days. But all is not lost. There is a way to survive quick sand.
When restrictive, painful, anxious thoughts surround your mind don't try to stand your ground. Say what? Yes, relax your legs, relax your shoulders, and surrender your footing. And you can stop sinking. As odd as it may sound the way up and out is counterintuitive. It's on your back not on your feet. Turning your head completely to the sky.

When restrictive, painful, anxious thoughts surround your mind don’t try to stand your ground.

To survive a quicksand encounter you must: RELAX YOUR LEGS, and don't make any quick movements. Keep your arms and head above the surface. Move legs slowly, one at a time, trying to free them from a tight suck at the bottom of the quicksand pool. Lean backwards and try to float on your back so that your legs rise to the surface. Wow! Thanks google.
You may want to be strong and stand your ground and fight back and start shouting your affirmations and declaring your victories and staring at your vision board and calling out your goals but just RELAX. You are on your way. Some things need to get loose and some thoughts need to be heard and released. Surrender your footing and you will stop sinking.

Catch Up To Your Capacity

Hi Wonderfuls, 

I am here to affirm your mind blowing capacity to achieve your dreams. Your capacity is far beyond your greatest imagination. It is not determined by your recognition of what's around you, your schedule, plan or your resources. And I can prove it.

CAPACITY//: noun ca·pac·i·ty \kə-ˈpa-sə-tē, -ˈpas-tē\: the facility or power to produce, perform, or deploy.

Have you ever been seduced by Master P? That would be P for Procrastination? And the thing you are avoiding is a non-negotiable that you MUST complete. Finally panic sets in at the last minute, and without prodding or a motivational course you pull off a gargantuan 24hour all night ultra-productivity marathon to get-IT-done. Yes? Well that is the store of your capacity.

Have you ever been knocked over by Debi D.? That would be Debi Downer. So you are feeling low and underwhelmed. And on top of that you find yourself cat fighting Negative Nancy? (This would all be happening in your head by the way) then suddenly THE-OUT-OF-THIN-AIR opportunity pops up and you leap into action. Wash your face and deliver! Well that is the store of your capacity.

Your capacity is engaged when you decide you are ready to show up. That's literally all it takes. You are the vision of your greatest self! You are leading families, departments, divisions, your own businesses and running your own signature programs! You inspire people to create more, live more and stand for what's right! You are more than enough! You have an abundance of talent, skill, passion, and room to make it happen!

Start Strong Stay Strong

Start Strong

Hi Wonderfuls,
We are in it to win it! We have set our minds on our goals and we have determined a way forward. Now that we have started filled with adrenaline and excitement we must remember that PACE WINS THE RACE!!!

When I was training for my first half marathon I studied the walk run method. Why? Because I wanted to finish the race and get a medal of completion. And I had not been running or training long enough to complete 13 miles with no breaks. Every article, blog, and author stressed the importance of pace and starting with patience. Don't go out the gate like the hare! Go out the gate like the tortoise confident that you are running the race at a winners pace! 

I ran my race thinking about my breathing, my posture, my stride, the position of my feet as they landed each step. I ran for two minutes and walked for 1minute for thirteen miles. I was dedicated to the repetition and committed to my pace. When others surged ahead I kept my chin grounded, took deep breaths and started to WALK right at the 1 minute mark leaving an even bigger gap between me and the other racers. I could have fallen into compare and despair but I just knew if I focused on anything other than my performance I ran the risk of getting injured. So I kept my pace.

Keep your pace, it may be repetitive, it may be a slow burn, but you will finish and you will finish strong.

Forgive Yourself

Hi Wonderfuls,

Let's be honest sometimes we can be a little harsh on ourselves throwing the L and F words around- "Loser" or Failure". These words fall heavy on our inner ear and heavier on our motivation. We get to reframe and repurpose the moments that give life to these thoughts so that we can generate new empowering, forwarding and loving thoughts.

Without a doubt last year brought some challenges, some things we wished we might have done differently some areas that we are now making resolutions to improve. But those resolutions will not see the end of New Year's Day if we keep are fighting ourselves instead of accepting, affirming and forwarding ourselves. Every choice we make gives way to new information in the form of results. We learn what worked and what didn't work and the efforts we took to get those results were useful. Valuable and priceless. Every chance we get to learn something new about ourselves, how we show up in the world and how we view others is a gift.

If you are beating yourself up today, chasing down or calling out "bad habits" and pat behaviors with grim prejudice and judgement I offer you grace. I offer you reflection. I offer you forgiveness. Every circumstance to come will hold new lessons for growth and development. Be encouraged, be positive, be flexible, be patient, and forgiving. The journey is your destination.

Ok, Ready? Let Go

Hi Wonderfuls,

Years ago when I was living and working in Sub Saharan Africa I traveled to the Victoria Falls. While there, standing on a ridge admiring the falls, in the distance I saw a thin bridge. I learned it was the bridge connecting Zambia and Zimbabwe. The interesting thing about that bridge was the human being dangling from a bungi cord mid way between the ravine and the bridge. The moment I realized what was going on I was immediately and emotionally tasered into committed action. I was going to jump.

Have you ever had those moments? A spark of inspiration that lines up with your life like destiny and calling, anointing and appointing all at the same time. Have you ever felt your heart racing with uncertainty while your feet marched in the direction of your biggest fears? That Vic Falls Bungi Station made no sense at all. Why did I need to do that? What was I trying to prove. Black people don't jump off of bridges for fun and they definitely don't willingly tie themselves up with ropes. Is what my friends said to me. Even the man working the bungi station was busy making jokes about my sanity and identity. But I was smiling. I was excited to make this a defining moment where I dropped doubt. Where I let go of fear. Where I trusted in a strength, order and privilege far greater than myself. I think back to that day and how the stars lined up for me. How time and circumstance set a stage for me and I stepped into an opportunity to take a chance on defeating fear.

When we let go we don't win forever. But we win now. We win the moment and we get to keep that victory with us as a reminder. We lay miles of neural pathways that crystallize the moment in our memory as that time when you said yes to your dreams, yes to your promise, yes to your very own path. We embed code in our hearts and minds that can be relied on in times of doubt and uncertainty to trigger encouragement and affirmation in our ability, skill, talent, power, voice and vision.

We all have the moments. Get Ready, Stay Ready and Let Go!

Rev Up Your Intentions

Setting Intentions are to hustle like programming Siri is to road trip. You can still make it without them but do you really want to go through all of that obscurity, questioning and map checking? Definition of intention: An aim that guides action, an objective.

For many of us this is a serious week of planning, goal setting, preparations and committing. But we must make our intentions strong and clear. Our intentions are not the same as our big why. Our intentions are the psychological greens that keep our thoughts clean. They are an essential part of our daily regimen, they help to reinforce our actions. 

In fact, Intentions are directly connected to the actions that make up our hustle. When we are clear as to how important and aligned our actions are in our hustle we are more confident and therefore more likely to continue taking committed action towards our goals.

Let's quickly draft some intentions:
Action- food preparation for the week Intention- to increase my chances of eating healthy meals throughout the week

Action- setting an early rise alarm and placing phone/alarm away from the bed
Intention- support my body in creating a new routine for waking up and getting up each morning. 

Rev up your intentions so that you are clear as to how what you are doing aligns with your interim goals!