Unpack your PURPOSE

Hi Wonderfuls,

I'm so excited to share with you today a little concept I call UN-packing. Now, we are all familiar with the excitement of preparing for a magnificent adventure, a trip to a distant land where you may or may not have access to all of the amenities you are accustomed to and love. So with naive ambition we lay out everything, batching outfits, toiletries, accessories, resources etc. We list out all of the many MUST do pre-planned activities and coordinate accordingly. Before long we have prepared to bring our entire closet and kitchen sink. So we have to pare down or UN-pack before we even leave. I love this process. Why do I love the extra work? Because it's an ode to abundance. The same goes for preparing to fulfill our purpose.

We are abundantly gifted and talented with ideas at the ready! Because we can run, dance, sew, cook, plan, coordinate, drive, paint, teach, lead, nurture, prep and more and more we can over do it. Even when we pick ONE THING we then miraculously find several other things to triangulate around that one thing. Don't we? Yes we can't be called to teach only in the classroom...what about on-line and over seas? what about at the local after school program and at the park and since we are teaching we might as well teach other people how to teach and that's gonna need its own URL and microsite.

 I know because I am going through this process myself and I m taking it one gift at a time. One talent at a time. One idea at a time. I am holding them up to the light and asking myself do I really need to do this? I know it works and fits my plan but do I really need to do this? The unpacking our purpose process is worth the time and effort. We get to triple down on one aspect of our one thing and think it through. We get to be excellent in the area we choose and see it to its highest quality of manifestation. 

Let's try unpacking. Only if you need to of course.