Your Vision Is Contagious

Hi Wonderfuls,

What is the impact you want to make in the world? What is the change your are committed to being and igniting in the world? What is the sum total reflection of your hard work? 

Your vision is an aspirational description of what you would like to see in the future. It is the solution to your why. It is impact of your efforts multiplied and amplified by your team, clients, community and tribe. Your vision should be so big that it draws you in like the night sky. Your vision should be so compelling that others are magnetically attracted to it and become contributors to its manifestation.

Write your vision out- a world where women feel confident managing their money and investing in companies they believe in.
Write your vision in plain language- a world where every child can connect with an inspiring and motivating adult they trust.
Write your vision in the positive- a world where every creative is equip the tools they need to succeed.

Your vision is exciting! Your vision is compelling! Your vision is contagious!

You Can Handle The Increase

Hi Wonderfuls!

During this period of planning, big dream casting and reaching for the stars I want to affirm that you can handle the increase. New opportunities for advancement, new heights to soar, new teams, new projects, more of what you were born to do. All of this is coming your way and entering your heart because you can handle it. You have been preparing for this moment. You have overcome the hardships and endured the tests. You are ready and you can handle the increase.

 If you are hesitating or negotiating why you can't remember that this world runs on an intelligence and strength far greater than yours and at any moment when you are ready you can tap into that amazing strength. It's the application and activation of faith. It's what got you this far and it can bring you into and through your next level of growth and accomplishment.

Continue to dream big and write out your vision. Continue to repeat your mantras and meditate on where you are going. Take committed action and trust that you got this. You can handle the increase. You can and if you believe you can like I believe you can then you will.

Make the Shift

Dynamic Shift

Hi Wonderfuls!

Are you thinking of tweaking something in your life?

Rearranging a few things or just starting something new?

The thought of change can be both exciting and paralyzing.

Let's not get stuck overthinking, over-planning, and or simply doubting our idea.

Let's make the necessary shift and get busy being our amazing and dynamic selves!!

Go Collective Power! Share!

Health and Happiness,


Trust Yourself and Create More

trust yourself

Hi, Wonderfuls!

I'm here to say just keep swimming! Just keep giving, creating and sharing more of your magic, your talent, your art, your voice, your words, your musings.

You see things in ways no one else can, your hands move and make from your experience, your practice and your skill.

Do more unapologetic creating!

Do the work you are called to do.

Do the work you love and do the work you love to hate.


Health & Happiness,


What's your theme for 2017?

2017 Theme

Hey Wonderfuls,

What is one quality of life that you want to improve in 2017? Is it growth, freedom, family, friends, money, spirituality?

Setting a theme for your Year supports your clarity in decision making around how you spend your time, money and energy.

Themes are like guardrails, a simple psychological hack to keep us on track.

Your theme can be whatever you want it to be and you can make it public or keep it to yourself. But please do pick one and let it simmer as the new year comes around.

Lead with love for all you want in life.

Health & Happiness,
